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Racing Jacket 25 in Federal Blue with vertical stripes, left stripe is white, white stripe is red. Pocket on left sleeve. New Fleece lining and Talon two way zipper. Product on white background.
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
Christian Wach wearing the Racing Jacket 25 Le Mans in Federal Blue with two vertical racing stripes standing in front of a white Porche with white home in background with Green ivy and greenery on wall and wooden brown door with red ceramic shingles.
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans
New Talon two way, anti-snag zipper and fleece lining. SurfNyl™ fabric in federal blue.
Racing Jacket 25 - Le Mans on wooden hanger, hanging from the top of the frame in front of white wall with tape in background.

Racing Jacket 25

¥39,600 Tax in
Le Mans

60年代のサーフカルチャーとホットロッドにインスパイアされたこのクラシックな「Racing Jacket」は、1962年以来、定番アイテムとして愛されています。
